Jin Shin Jyutsu


Experience the healing power of Jin Shin Jyutsu through personalized sessions with our Practitioners. Each session is tailored to address your unique needs and goals.

Energy Harmonization

Energy Harmonization

Experience gentle touch techniques to harmonize and balance the body’s energy flow.

Stress Reduction

Stress Reduction

Utilize JSJ to alleviate stress, tension and promote relaxation for overall well-being.

Self-Healing Practice

Self-Healing Practice

Learn simple JSJ techniques for self-care and promoting natural healing processes.

Benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu

Discover the transformative benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ), a holistic therapy that promotes stress relief, emotional balance, vitality, pain alleviation, and deep relaxation. Restore harmony and well-being with this gentle energy healing practice.

Stress Relief

Deep Relaxation

Stress Relief

Deep Relaxation

Emotional Balance

Pain Relief

Emotional Balance

Pain Relief


Holistic Healing Through Gentle Touch

Experience deep relaxation and tension release as our practitioner gently holds specific energy points to support natural healing.

Harmonizing Energy Healing with JSJ

Experience the healing touch of Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ), a gentle energy healing modality that harmonizes the body’s energy flow and promotes natural healing. Our practitioner will gently hold specific energy points to address physical discomfort, emotional imbalances, and stress, restoring balance and vitality.

Have any questions? Find answers here.

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What is Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ)?

Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient Japanese healing art that involves gentle touch on specific points of the body to harmonize energy flow and promote holistic well-being.

How does Jin Shin Jyutsu work?

JSJ works by balancing the body’s energy pathways, similar to acupuncture but without needles. Practitioners use their hands to hold specific points to facilitate healing.

What can Jin Shin Jyutsu help with?

JSJ can help with various conditions, including stress, anxiety, pain, digestive issues, insomnia, and emotional imbalances by restoring energy harmony.

Is Jin Shin Jyutsu safe for everyone?

 Yes, JSJ is safe for individuals of all ages and health conditions, as it is non-invasive and gentle. It complements other treatments and therapies.